About Me: Derek A. Ward

Are You Financially Healthy?

Over 50% of American workers have no idea how much money they will need to retire comfortably. And the ones who do, have calculated by guessing. You must build a program to ensure you and your family will be financially healthy in the years to come. There are 5 important steps to becoming financially healthy.

Step1: You must analyze your spending habits and take control your expenses.

Step2: You must initiate a plan to eliminate your debts.

Step3: You must have an emergency fund.

Step4: Protect your family against any loss of income. You must evaluate your current life/health insurance needs.

Step5: Setup long term savings and investments.

For a more in depth article on this subject, please visit my monthly financial column in CENTER STAGE MAGAZINE at http://www.centerstagemag.com/ .

Are you ready to claim your prosperity in 2010?
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